How to Raise Big Money for Big Projects

A capital campaign is a defining moment in the life of a church.
It's worth it because raising significant money can lead your church to make an even bigger impact on your community. The new building, campus, or expansion can be a place where the next generation gathers to worship Jesus, retired debt can be reallocated to community ministry, and a step of financial faith can propel a church towards healthy growth.
If your church sees an upcoming need to raise capital, we want to help you. The team at INJOY Stewardship Solutions has created a free resource called How To Raise Big Money For Big Projects. In it you will learn:
- How to raise people while you raise resources.
- Secrets to effective communications during capital campaign efforts.
- How to mobilize your staff and leaders around a compelling vision.
- And much, much more…
Just fill out the form on this page to get this free resource!